The Pyramid of Dreams is located in the grids over Australia.
The soul who creates through this pyramid is the Dreamkeeper.
When souls go to their place of sleep time,
it is there that they meet the Dreamkeeper.
It is within the energies of this region that the chosen
priests and priestesses incarnated to guard and protect the
creational knowledge stored within the matrix of dreamtime.
This knowledge is given in symbols during dreamtime to those
ready to access it. Once given, the soul may return to the
physical with the ability to move back and forth between realities.
And that soul shall understand how to create in dreamtime and
how that creation becomes manifest in the physical.
Within his matrix they may select experiences
just as they do in their physical time.
The Dreamkeeper takes the souls to his matrix of
never-ending dreams, where anything can happen and
usually does. And here the souls can fly, and be free.
All souls visit the Dreamkeeper and are linked to
his matrix by way of their dream experiences.
The Dreamkeeper helps them resolve problems,
and teaches the true nature of their experiences.
Some will see this dreamtime as the truer reality
for it is as real as anything else within the matrix.
A part of all souls remains connected to the matrix and the
Dreamkeeper to reconnect over and over, the dreamscapes
continuing after consciousness returns to the physical body.
Before you go to sleep, ask the Dreamkeeper to show
you your destiny and awaken your consciousness.
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