The Serpent of Light
The Movement of the Earth's Kundalini
and the Rise of the Female Light,
by Drunvalo Melchizedek
Those of you who are familiar with Drunvalo Melchizedek know that he was sent to this planet with specific missions to fulfill — and one of them was to assist the Great Mother in a transition process that only comes around every thirteen-thousand years. 'The Serpent of Light' is Drunvalo's account of what it has taken to shift the Kundalini of the planet from the White Pyramid of Tibet to its new home high in the mountains of Chile. The movement of this root force will open the space for the female frequency to reign over the next 13,000-year cycle.
Changes of this magnitude do not happen overnight — and the work that goes into bringing them about is a labor of love — love for all life, everywhere. In his efforts to ease the planet through the Great Shift of the Ages, Drunvalo's labors have taken him all over the world. These magical mystery tours involved working on the inner planes, in specific locations, at specific times, to bring about outer changes that are vital to the Earth's activation process, and to all of us as we approach the end of the Mayan Calendar.
When you open 'The Serpent of Light', be prepared to enter a realm where miraculous events are the order of the day. As you read along your awareness of the miraculous will be heightened by the realization that all of these synchronicities actually happened in real time. Drunvalo's description of each journey reads like a cross between Don Juan, The Lord of the Rings, and an Indiana Jones adventure story — the only difference is, 'The Serpent of Light' isn't a fantasy tale — every word in this book is true.
The people who traveled with Drunvalo, and witnessed these miracles, will be reminded of their contribution to this work, and of things that happened along the way that they may have forgotten about, or were not even aware of at the time. Fortunately, Drunvalo wrote this book, not just for the ones who were there, or for those who follow his teachings, but for everyone — anyone who reads 'The Serpent of Light' will be stirred to the core by wonders that make it clear that there is much more to this reality than meets the eye — and by the realization that something deep is reawakening in the heart of the Great Mother. That same force is alive inside each one of us now. As our hearts open to embrace it, our beautiful planet will move out of the darkness, into the Age of Light.
Anyone who dreams of the possibility of a new and better world will rejoice when they read this book — don't miss 'The Serpent of Light' — it is Drunvalo at his best.
Written by Cal Garrison"In Serpent of Light, Drunvalo Melchizedek tells the story of indigenous people around the world creating ceremonies to relocate the kundalini serpent to the high Andes Mountains in Chile, an event that happens every 13,000 years. Spiritual ascension will only come to our planet if men and women are totally integrated and balanced, and during this next cycle, women will be the leaders. Drunvalo was chosen to share in critical ceremonies that were created to empower women because he is a man who dwells totally in his heart and truly respects women. As a female ceremonial teacher during these same years when Drunvalo was creating beautiful ceremonies within many of the same sacred sites with the people, I can say that Drunvalo speaks the truth. He offers as much closely held information as is allowed, so there is significant indigenous knowledge in this book. Drunvalo is a great storyteller! You are there with him while he follows synchronicities and communicates with the great guardians of the sacred sites. Serpent of Light is a masterful description of the great Earth activations that are occurring during the end of the Mayan Calendar."
— Barbara Hand Clow, International Mayan Elder, a Cherokee Record Keeper, a ceremonial leader, and the author of The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind
"There are many secrets, some hard to believe and some very old. These secrets and the way Drunvalo weaves a story to bring them to life in this book is pure magic. I believe he is one of the earth's greatest story tellers."
— Ken Page, Creator of Heart & Soul Healing™, author of The Way it Works, The Heart of Soul Healing, Art of Transference-Healing through Compassion
"Drunvalo's masterful storytelling reminds us to pay attention and be aware of the synchronicities that lead us to great change in every aspect of our lives, our environment, our climate and even the energies within and around us. As we move into very different times within an uncertain world, Serpent of Light arrives to assist us on the road to self realization and ease of transition."
— Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, author of The Children of Now: Crystalline Children, Indigo Children, Star Kids, Angels on Earth, and the Phenomenon of Transitional Children
"When I first received Serpent of Light, I began reading and could not put it down. I was enthralled. It reads like a great adventure tale, however, this book is the truth-the truth of how, through an improbable series of events, fine tuning adjustments to the Unity Consciousness Grid have been made. The Earth's Kundalini has been able to complete its once every 13,000 year journey to its new home high up in the Andes Mountains in Chile. This means everything is now in place for the 'shift of the ages,' the great transformation in human consciousness.
There is so much more to this reality than meets the eye-we are much greater than we have been led to and allowed ourselves to believe.. This book is a gift from the Universe. Let it serve as a trigger to reawaken the memories that are deep within so you can remember who you are and why you are here. Let the adventure begin!"
— Bob Frissell, Flower of Life facilitator and author of Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are
"For over 35 years, Drunvalo Melchizedek has worked on both the inner and outer planes to support Mother Earth in her passage through The Great Shift of the Ages. The Serpent of Light is Drunvalo's account of the ceremonies and miracles that he, and the people who were led to follow him, performed to honor her spirit and awaken forces that have been dormant for 13,000 years. If it seems like a fantastic tale, keep in mind that the truth is always stranger than fiction. Anyone who dreams of the possibility of a new and better world will rejoice when they read this book."
— Cal Garrison, author of Slim Spurling's Universe: Ancient Science Rediscovered to Restore the Health of the Environment and Mankind
Life is amazing! Every 13,000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything, an event that changes the very course of history. And at this moment, this rare event is occurring, but only a few people know. And most of those who do know have kept it quiet and hidden until now.
What I am speaking about is the Earth's Kundalini. Connected to the center of the Earth is an energy that appears and behaves much like a snake as it moves, similar to the way Kundalini energy moves in the human body.
It is this energy that gives rise to the spiritual seekers everywhere on Earth--not only in the ashrams, kankas, and monasteries of the world, but also even in ordinary life and ordinary people who, in their own way, are seeking God. The Earth's Kundalini is the secret energy that is connected to the hearts of all of mankind.
The Earth's Kundalini is always attached to a single location on the surface of the Earth and stays there for a period of about 13,000 years. But then it moves to a new location for the next 13,000 years, based upon cycles of time, or what we call the Precession of the Equinox. And when it moves, our idea of what "spiritual" means changes. It transforms according to the new energies of the future cycle, leading us into a higher spiritual path.
The bigger picture is this. The Kundalini has two poles, and one is in the exact center of the Earth. The other is located on the surface somewhere and anywhere in the world. It is the consciousness of the Earth herself that decides where it is to be.
And there is a pulse of exactly 12,920 years when the polarity of the Earth's Kundalini changes to the opposite pole, and it simultaneously changes location on the surface of the Earth. This new location not only rapidly wakes up the people living near this sacred point on the Earth, but also it sends a frequency into the electromagnetic grids surrounding the Earth. This, in turn, affects those consciousness grids in ways that are determined by the Earth's DNA. We grow according to a set plan and design.
To the few that know of this event and what is occurring all around us, a wisdom is transferred, and a peaceful state of being becomes their inheritance, for they know the awesome truth. In the midst of chaos, war, starvation, plagues, environmental crisis, and moral breakdown that we are all experiencing here on Earth today at the end of this cycle, they understand the transition and know no fear. This fearless state is the secret key to the transformation that, for millions of years, has always followed this sacred cosmic event.
On one level, this means that spiritually the female will now have her turn to lead mankind (womankind) into the New Light. And eventually, this female spiritual light will permeate the entire range of human experience from female leaders in business and religion to female heads of state. By 2012-2013 this female spiritual light will become so strong as to become obvious to all who live on this dear planet and will continue to grow for thousands of years.
For many of you, none of this will probably make any sense until you read chapters two and three. Chapter two is the Cosmic Knowledge of what is actually occurring in nature and the stars and how it relates to this new cycle of light. Chapter three is the history of what the ancient cultures understood about this sacred event up to this present time. This prepares you for the content of this book.
Beginning with chapter four will be the stories of my personal experience and involvement with this Serpent of Light and the hundreds of indigenous tribes and cultures that have secretly helped guide this spiritual energy from Tibet to its new home in South America. Coming out of Tibet into India, it then moved in a snakelike manner to almost every country in the world until it reached Chile, the new home of the Earth's Kundalini, the new "Tibet."
What has occurred in the world along this path that the Earth's Kundalini has taken is almost unbelievable. People from different cultures and countries all cooperating together "as though" they were coordinated by a higher power simply for the good of human life. And without this spiritual assistance, I believe, humanity will be unable to evolve to the next level of consciousness, crucial to our very survival.
For me, the call to this way of life was so strong that I felt like I had no choice. It simply began to happen all around me as I followed my inner guidance.
But I am not the only one. There are tens of thousands of people, mostly indigenous people, who have been led by a deep inner guidance, from 1949 to the present, to help to bring this unyielding White Snake to it new location high up in the Andes Mountains in Chile, where it now finally resides. Not only is this a shift of spiritual power from the male to the female, but it is also a spiritual power shift from Tibet and India to Chile and Peru. The Light of the World that has been nurtured and expanded with the Tibetan and Indian cultures is now completed. Its new reign has just begun in Chile and Peru, and soon it will affect the hearts of all mankind.
These are my personal stories as I have followed my inner guidance helping bring balance to a troubled world. My training has been to stay connected with Mother Earth and Father Sky within a secret place within my heart. It is very simple. Once one is connected to the Divine Mother and Father in this way, life becomes one miracle after another. Never could anyone plan these kinds of stories. They are conceived from outside myself in the nature that surrounds us. Some of these stories break the laws of physics, but not the laws of our Mother.
Like I said, Life is amazing!
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Chapter One
The Opening
Chapter Two
Ancient Cosmology 101 and Modern Changes
Chapter Three
A New View of History: The Serpent of Light and the Great White Pyramid of Tibet
Chapter Four
The Nakkal Pyramid
Chapter Five
The Balancing of the Female Aspect of the Unity Consciousness Grid
Chapter Six
The Balancing of the Female Grid Around Earth: The Yucatan and the Eight Temples, Part One
Chapter Seven
The Balancing of the Female Grid Around the Earth: The Yucatan and the Eight Temples, Part Two
Chapter Eight
"We Need You Again"
Chapter Nine
The Island of Moorea, the Forty-two Women, and the Forty-two Crystals
Chapter Ten
The Island of Kauai and the Fourth-Dimensional Ceremony of the Transfer of Power from the Male to the Female
Chapter Eleven
The Anasazi and the Medicine Wheel of a New Dream
Chapter Twelve
The Lightning Ceremony
Chapter Thirteen
Journey to Mayaland
Chapter Fourteen
Purification of the Mayan Land, Purification of the Maya
Chapter Fifteen
The Circular Rainbow
Chapter Sixteen
Kohunlich and the Third Eye; the Integration of Male and Female
Chapter Seventeen
Palenque and the Light Show at Uxmal
Chapter Eighteen
The Incan Invitation to Peru
Chapter Nineteen
The Island of the Moon and the Island of the Sun
Chapter Twenty
The Hidden City of Cahua Chi
Chapter Twenty-one
The Waitaha and the Maori of Aotearoa (New Zealand)
The Dream and The Dreamer
Chapter Twenty-two
Unconditional Love: Images Within the Heart
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